Show your snow!

“Turn left! Turn right! Now slide down in a pizza slice… very good!”
Imagine we are almost at the ski restaurant to enjoy a nice lunch with panorama view.

Spoil your visitors with a great experience in your ski area, simply because they know where to go and what’s on offer: The best ski rental, restaurant or the Bunny slope for little Mia.

All this comes together in SkiBooQi: An effective marketing tool developed by years of experience in ski areas.

With SkiBooQi your visitor has all information at hand, on a user friendly pocketsize. It’s easy to unfold, even in the winter weather conditions. SkiBooQi takes them by the hand and sends them in the direction you want them to go, like towards your bar or ski shop.

SkiBooQi goes home with your visitors, as a souvenir to show family and friends. They might even discover a special offer from you or a partner for their next visit.

It will help with visitor related challenges, summarised in three pillars.
Experience, Upselling en Visitor flow & Partnerships.


Kept and used their BooQi

How does SkiBooQi benefit you?

SkiBooQi is the perfect ambassador for your ski resort (or area?) and suitable for almost every challenge. A better visibility of your offers and services will help you increase customers satisfaction and develop loyalty. Our leisure experts advise you about the right content, to realise the following:

  • Create satisfied visitors, creating good reviews and word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Stimulate sales in bars, restaurants, ski rental or shop and other facilities.
  • Present your season pass or partners.
  • Measure your ROI and the way your tourists flow during the season with vouchers, QR- or scan codes.
  • Add variable information to communicate your event calendar from sport to culture.