An event brings along large amounts of information. Give your visitors an unforgettable event by communicating clear with them in style!Event Information
During an event, correct and complete information is crucial. You don’t want your visitors to miss their highlight… With CityBooQi you give them all they need! Any type of event has important information to communicate. Information you want your visitors to have easy access to and to keep even after the event. The CityBooQi will do that for you!
Combine time table with a floor plan. Give more details on items on the agenda, give special offers for purchases with a unique code to measure the outcome and link to your app or online environment. Traffic generation optima forma in which we help you build a bridge from offline to online.
Event Invitation
Use the CityBooQi as an invitation: Personalised via post or non-personalised via displays at any location you can think of that is relevant! Every event deserves a BooQi:
- Sport event
- Music event
- Leisure event
- Culture event
- Business event