McArthurGlen Outlets Worldwide
Communicate the total store offer of all 24 McArthurGlen outlets in a user-friendly way.
A BooQi with a clear overview of the mall that makes every store stand out. The BooQis are presented in striking outdoor displays. Each year, we publish millions of store guides, in the most diverse languages like traditional Chinese. We distribute them in wall displays, spread across the 24 outlet centres.
For a smooth logistical process within the shopping centres, the BooQi is packed in smaller boxes, so multiple languages match the carts at the same time. Fixed monthly ordering times allow economies of scale and a faster turnaround time.
Design changes and orders are all made through the online portal, which accelerates the process. In addition to the Store Guides, we also help McArthurGlen with their VIP nights and loyalty programs.
“With the BooQi, my girlfriend and I have made the best of our visit to McArthurGlen. Knowing the offer and location of the stores, we could easily find everything. The BooQi fits easily into my wallet and made this shopping day a success! ”
Marnick van den Brand – Visitor McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Center