GaiaZOO, The Netherlands

GaiaZOO – The Netherlands Target- Help the visitors ofGaiaZOOto easily find their way during their visit. – Promote theGaiaZOOapp and the year subscription – Promote facilities as the restaurant and the shop. SolutionFor GaiaZOO, we made a clever...

Castle gardens – Arcen, The Netherlands

Castle gardens – Arcen The Netherlands Target- Increase the visitor experience – Stimulate revenu of hospitality and shop with upselling.  Especially 1 restaurant that was not that busy as the others. – Crowd management: spread the viistors throughout the...

CityBooQi – Schiedam – The Netherlands

CityBooQi of Schiedam – The Netherlands Goals – Lead visitors through the city and highlights in a nice way. – Stimulate re-visits Solution We created a CityBooQi with a practical citymap that shows all the highlights of Schiedam. The CityBooQi...

Le Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Toulouse

Le Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Toulouse Défi Créer un guide de visite ludique et convivial pour découvrir l’exposition «  Chiens et Chats » Solution Chaque visiteur reçoit un BooQi à l’entrée du musée. Ce guide de visite au format pocket permet au...
I Amsterdam City Card

I Amsterdam City Card

I Amsterdam City Card Challenge: Develop a durable total solution for the I amsterdam City Card. This package has to combine the City Card with all important information on how to use it, all participating touristic attractions, a map of the city centre and extra...