Castle gardens – Arcen

The Netherlands

– Increase the visitor experience
– Stimulate revenu of hospitality and shop with upselling.  Especially 1 restaurant that was not that busy as the others.
– Crowd management: spread the viistors throughout the park.

Since 2017, The Castle Gardens Arcen uses a userfriendly BooQi with all important information visitors need during their stay.
The BooQi has a map on one side, making it easy for the visitors to find their way through the park, and is sold at the cash register.
The two vouchers of the two restaurants at the park, improves the circulation of the crowd. Two vouchers give a discount on food, and a third stimulates visitors to buy a souvenir in the shop with a discount. Besides the revenue increase, the vouchers also make the campaign fully measurable. 


“Since the start of BooQi at the Castle Gardens Arcen, we sold 20% more floor plans compared to previous years – years in which this number did not increase.  Our number of visitors increased with 11%, so 9% of the additional park guide revenue is directly related to the ParkBooQi concept. Over 1 out of 4 Park guides (26%) had a voucher hand in.  In total, the three vouchers generated an additional revenue of over € 28.000, with the souvenir voucher being most successful.  A ROI to be proud of!” 
– Vera Lenssen, head of marketing, communications & Sales – Castle Gardens Arcen